ION POWER GRID is a next-generation energy infrastructure company. We are revolutionizing the way electricity is generated, transmitted, and consumed.
Our approach to tokenizing the electricity market creates new value through the use of blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence and promotes transparency for all. Our investments in technology foster a robust, sustainable, and decentralized power grid.
We are committed to creating a brighter future for all!
What is the
The ION POWER GRID ASSOCIATION is a registered non-profit organization under European law based in Salzburg, Austria.
It pursues three main goals, which are outlined in our white paper.
The expansion of the global ION POWER GRID aims to provide the global energy landscape with a sustainable, decentralized, and tokenized electricity network.
It ​includes promoting energy-efficient behavior among end consumers and actively participating in the current electricity market through tokenized reward and payment systems, as well as various other incentives.
It ​also involves promoting new key technologies to build a resilient, decentralized, and green electricity network. Investments have already been made in market-ready products for this purpose.
Who We Are !
  • ION POWER GRID is a team of experienced professionals dedicated to revolutionizing the energy sector.
  • We are passionate about creating a more sustainable and equitable energy future.
  • Our team comprises experts in engineering science, energy markets, blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, centralized and decentralized finance, media&marketing.
  • We are committed to working with our partners to build a brighter future for energy.
What does the
stand for ?
The ION POWER GRID ASSOCIATION and its platform-specific ION-P Tokens (ION-P and ION-PT) are revolutionizing the global energy landscape with a sustainable, decentralized, and tokenized electricity network.
For the first time, relevant representatives from the electricity generation industry, infrastructure, energy technology, and societal sectors have come together to create a truly operational industry token that provides customers with relevant power in the form of sustainably generated electricity from the outset.
By doing so, the ION POWER GRID enters the market not only with a good "idea" of how to create a worldwide, transparent network of affordable electricity through tokenization but also with a strong professional network that already delivers significant amounts of electricity and can continue to grow globally.
The ION POWER GRID Network !
Over 1000 electricity producers and other professional organizations have already listed themselves with the intention to join the upcoming ION POWER GRID.
This movement brings the network towards multiple terawatts (TW) of electricity capacity that it can immediately offer.
However, more partners are joining each day, as the concept of ION POWER GRID is particularly compelling for professional electricity producers, electricity marketing platforms, infrastructure providers and electricity customer organizations.
Our partners have realized that only blockchain technology and the associated tokenization enable the creation of a unified platform for the currently fragmented market of decentralized electricity suppliers, where their customers can easily interact.
Thus, the ION-P and ION-PT tokens connect a loose structure into a strong network of independent generators.
At the same time, the ION POWER GRID also transforms the electricity customer into a partner for whom it is about much more than just their monthly electricity bill that must be paid.
Why Decentralized Energy Networks?
Renewable and Sustainable
Decentralized power supply systems facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, water, and biomass. These sources are environmentally friendly and inexhaustible, unlike finite and polluting fossil fuels.
Resilient and Reliable
Decentralized systems are more resilient to interruptions and outages. If one energy source fails, production can continue from other sources, ensuring continuous power supply.
Efficient and Localized
In centralized electricity systems, energy must be transported over long distances, leading to energy losses. Decentralized systems bring energy production closer to consumers, reducing transmission losses.
Empowered Prosumers
In a decentralized power system, consumers can also generate their own energy, for example, through rooftop photovoltaic systems or small wind turbines. These prosumers contribute to the overall energy production and can feed excess energy back into the grid.
Resilient and Self-Sufficient
Decentralized power supply systems allow regions and communities to generate their own energy, making them less dependent on external energy sources. This can enhance resilience to energy price fluctuations and political influences.
Fostering Innovation
Decentralized energy systems require advanced technologies for energy generation, storage, and management. This fosters innovation in these areas.
Sustainable and Climate-Friendly
The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is one of the most urgent challenges of our time. Decentralized power systems, which increasingly rely on renewable energy sources, make a significant contribution to mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable resource use.
Tokenization Of The Energy Market !
  • The energy market is rapidly evolving, with new technologies and business models emerging. Tokenization has the potential to revolutionize the way energy is traded and consumed.
  • Tokens can be used to represent energy units, enabling peer-to-peer energy trading and microgrids. This creates a more efficient and transparent energy market, with increased access to renewable energy sources.
  • Tokenization can also facilitate the development of new energy finance mechanisms, such as energy-backed securities and decentralized energy marketplaces.
  • Tokenization allows for the implementation of reward programs that incentivize consumers for actions such as energy-saving behavior or contributing valuable content to the ION POWER GRID.
  • By leveraging blockchain technology, tokenization can create a more secure, transparent, and efficient energy market, empowering consumers and enabling the transition to a more sustainable future.
The $ION-P Token!
The $ION-P token is a utility token that powers the ION POWER GRID ecosystem. It's a core component of the platform, enabling users to participate in the energy revolution.
It aims to incentivize partners to participate in the planned decentralized power network and also reward future electricity customers for their engagement, such as energy-saving practices (Reward Token).
There will be additional reward incentives. Additionally, there is an active token burning function that continuously reduces the original supply (Token Burn).
In essence, the token can be used as a form of payment for purchasing energy at any time.
It also provides governance rights, giving token holders a voice in the future development of the ION POWER GRID.
ION-P Circulation
ION-P Tokenomics !
25% Strategic Investors - Pre ICO, long-term operative Partners. Vesting min.2 Years.
20% Reward&Burn Token - Non-tradable Token, Token Rewards against Energy,
10% Team - Core Management and Development Team, Vesting 12 Month
05% Sale - Presale , Public
25% Industry Partners and Institutions- Mainly Energy Producers and Energy Infrastructure Providers
15% IPG Association. - Non-Profit Structure, Token will be reinvested into the Network
The ION-PT Token!
The ION-PT Token is an industry-specific transaction token that could potentially solve a significant problem in the future.
It represents an initially experimental advancement in industrial tokenization, which could prove to be a very useful application in the future energy market.
Energy supply fluctuates and can sometimes be unstable.
This becomes particularly problematic for electricity producers when there is simply too much energy on the market at certain times. Especially in the summer, solar panels often generate more electricity than needed.
Additionally, other energy producers come into play and push the grids to their capacity limits.
The ION-PT Token is designed to address this issue by serving as a value buffer, offering a unique opportunity to balance the over or under capacity of the fluctuating electricity market.
The tokenized process is simple yet highly efficient. It links the universal, physical measurement of a kilowatt-hour to a token.
The ION POWER GRID plans to primarily use the ION POWER STATION to close gaps in energy supply.
The technology can be installed anywhere and enables clean electricity supply for residential buildings, communities, cities, industrial projects, factories, and more.
Over time, the technology of the ION POWER STATION leads to an increasing portion of the planned decentralized power grid being owned and controlled by our nonprofit ION POWER GRID ASSOCIATION.
This creates additional resilience for our network and makes it less vulnerable to major competitors.
The ION POWER STATION developed by us is a scalable clean power generation unit that harnesses a well-known physical principle for energy generation.
The first unit of the ION POWER STATION was installed as a "Proof of Concept" for a period of 9 months at a seawater desalination plant and was monitored throughout the testing phase.
Throughout the entire testing phase, the ION POWER STATION met all specifications and guidelines for power generation.
All key performance parameters were summarized in a report.
An agreement has been reached with the prestigious Canadian industrial plant builder who has agreed to fully finance the construction of the first factories and production facilities and refinance through the proceeds from the ION POWER GRID.
The first pilot plant is planned at the location in Toronto. Europe and the USA will follow, with additional sites across various continents planned.
In the medium term, the production of several tens of thousands of units of the ION POWER STATION per year is planned.
The current design of all ION POWER STATION units as mobile, modular, self-sufficient units is based on the dimensions of international shipping containers of 20, 40, and 50 feet.
Therefore, the power generation capacity for each type is set as follows:
Type I: 20-foot container generates nominal and constant 1,000 kW.
Type II: 40-foot container generates a nominal and constant 2,000 kW.
Type III: 50-foot container generates a nominal and constant 3,000 kW.
The ION POWER STATION is the ideal solution as it can be quickly integrated into existing urban areas/infrastructures, any newly planned urban projects, as well as rural areas, and immediately delivers effective results through clean electricity after commissioning.
Business Model !
The ION POWER GRID business model revolves around the tokenization of the energy market.
The $ION-P token is the core of this model, facilitating the buying, selling, and trading of energy.
This token also powers the ION-PT, a decentralized platform for renewable energy production.
By leveraging blockchain technology, the ION POWER GRID aims to create a more efficient and transparent energy market, enabling individuals and businesses to access and manage their energy usage more effectively.
ION POWER GRID relies on an operator model that does not focus on selling individual units of the ION POWER STATION but rather on a billing model directly with the electricity customer.
Over time, the technology of the ION POWER STATION leads to an increasing portion of the planned decentralized power grid being owned and controlled by our nonprofit ION POWER GRID ASSOCIATION.
This creates additional resilience for our network and makes it less vulnerable to major competitors.
ION POWER GRID - Virtual Power Plant!
In the ION POWER GRID - Virtual Power Plant, control commands and data are exchanged over specially secured connections between the central control system and the individual units.
In such systems, the operator of the Virtual Power Plant no longer controls its own energy producers.Instead, they use digital technologies to optimize the operation of third-party power generators.
The unique selling proposition (USP) and collaborative approach lie in the fact that even existing electricity marketers can join the ION POWER GRID without jeopardizing their own business model.
The platform then simply provides the blockchain interface to the ION-P, allowing, for example, the tokens acquired through rewards to be converted into electricity or to utilize the advantages of fast transactions through a token.
Currently, within the network of ION POWER GRID, there are providers with millions of customers who wish to join us.
It has been understood that the ION POWER GRID ASSOCIATION aims to promote the methodology of tokenized billing, but in partnership with all existing partners and not as an alternative to them.
Once again, the non-profit approach of the ION POWER GRID ASSOCIATION should be emphasized.
Road Map


2017 - 2023
Development, successful testing and operating of the ION POWER STATION.


2023 – Q2 2024
Development of the ION POWER GRID as a future tokenized virtual Power Plant.


Q3 2024
Final Release Whitepaper ION POWER GRID.
Whitelisting Energy Producers and Partners.
Seed Investment Round.
Instant DEX/CEX Listing.
Contracting Energy Producers and Partners for the ION POWER GRID Virtual Power Plant.


Q4 2024
Set up ION POWER GRID Platform
Production Start ION POWER STATION Location: Toronto Canada
First capacity up to 500 Devices per year.


Q1 2025
Testing ION POWER GRID Platform with all Partners.


Q2 2025
Marketing Campaign and Implementation ION POWER GRID Platform.


Q3 2025
Business Start ION POWER GRID Platform.
Factory planning Europe and other strategic locations.


Q4 2025
Strategic European Expansion ION POWER GRID Platform.
Factory planning continuous.


Q1 2026
Global Strategic Expansion ION POWER GRID Platform.
First European Factory for ION POWER STATION starts production.
Capacity up to 5000 Devices per year.


Q2 2026
Global Strategic Expansion ION POWER GRID Platform
Factory Expansion for ION POWER STATION Europe / USA / ASIA


2026 to be continued
Our Team !
  • The ION POWER GRID team is made up of experienced professionals in the energy, finance, and technology sectors.
  • We are dedicated to building a sustainable and equitable energy future.
  • We are passionate about using blockchain technology to revolutionize the energy market.
  • Please visit our Whitepaper to meet the whole Team.

PDF file

ION-P FINAL V 1.1 Engl .pdf

5.2 MB

Partnership & Incentive
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